Physician specialising in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ospitalarioak Fundazioa Euskadi
Early in my career I discovered my interest in treating and caring for disabled people, which is my overall professional goal. I have vast experience in brain injury rehabilitation, coordinating and activating multidisciplinary teams. I am deeply interested in applied rehabilitation technology (IT, robotics, innovative rehabilitation programmes and techniques) and try to use it in my daily professional activities.
I am in charge of the coordination of the Children’s Rehabilitation Service at the Aita Menni Hospital. I am a clinical advisor at the Inpatient Unit of the Service in Mondragón and a rehabilitation consultant at the Outpatient Centres of the Service in Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastián. I encourage the inclusion of new rehabilitation technologies and techniques in the list of services offered to brain-injured patients.
I consider myself fortunate for having a job I enjoy so much, which gives me the opportunity to meet colleagues, patients and their families, and to achieve my professional and personal goals. At the Children’s Rehabilitation Service I can care for, support, advise, and listen to disabled patients and their families.
Academic background
– Physician and surgeon. University of the Basque Country. 1990-1996.
Intern at the Neuroscience Department. 1991-1994.
– The Scientific Fundamentals of Surgery. PhD programme. Department of Surgery, Radiology and Physical Medicine. Research aptitude accreditation. 1998-2000.
– Physician specialising in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (internship). Intern at the Rehabilitation Service of the Cruces Hospital (Vizcaya). 1997-2001.
– Master’s Degree in Children’s Disability. Complutense University of Madrid. 2007-2008.
Courses, conferences, seminars
– 5th International Course in Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Surgery: Head Trauma. Vall d’Hebron Hospital and Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery Chair. 1998.
– Movement analysis techniques. Basurto Hospital. 1998.
– Jay seating and posture systems. Vitoria-Gasteiz. 1999.
– Assessment and rehabilitation of patients with hemiplegia. 1999.
– 12th Guttmann Institute Foundation Technical Workshop. Developments in spine injury and traumatic brain injury. Barcelona. 2000.
– Treatment of spastic patients with botulinum toxin type A. Theoretical-practical course. Madrid. 2000.
– Brain injury trauma neurorehabilitation. Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of Aragón. Zaragoza. 2001.
– International Workshop for Experts in Assistive Technologies for Neurorehabilitation. 16th European Courses. Donostia-San Sebastian. 2004.
– Prefrontal cortex: From research to intervention. Brain Injury Service, Aita Menni Hospital. Bilbao. 2007.
– Forotox 2009: Training in botulinum toxin treatment. Spanish Neurological Society. Madrid. 2009.
– Neuro-kinesiological examination of infants using the Vojta method. Niño Jesús University Hospital. Madrid. 2009.
– Integrated treatment for spastic patients: A multidisciplinary approach. Madrid. 2010.
– J.I. Marín and E. Nin. “Desarrollo psicomotor del niño,” in Tratado de rehabilitación infantil. Madrid, Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2011 (in print).
– J.I. Marín Ojea, R.A. Ruano Hernández, and J.I. Quemada Ubis. “Rehabilitación integral del traumatizado craneoencefálico,” in J. Vaquero Crespo and G. Rodríguez Boto, Daño cerebral postraumático, Madrid, Fundación Mapfre Medicina, 2007, 521-536.
– J.I. Quemada Ubis, I. Sánchez Cubillo, and J.I. Marín Ojea. “Trastornos cognitivos, conductuales y emocionales en el daño cerebral adquirido.” in Manual SERMEF de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física, Madrid, Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2006, 591-596.
– J.I. Quemada Ubis, J.I. Marín Ojea, and J.M. Muñoz-Céspedes. “Evaluación de aspectos cognitivos y emocionales,” in Manual SERMEF de Rehabilitación y Medicina Física, Madrid, Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2006, 62-67.
– J.I. Quemada Ubis, A. Sagasta Errasti, and J.I. Marin Ojea. “El paciente con daño cerebral adquirido,” in Tratado de psicofarmacología. Bases y aplicación clínica, Madrid, Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2004, 147-153.
– J.I. Quemada, J.I. Marín, M.J. Ruiz, I. Bori, and L. Gangoiti. “Modelo de atención a las personas con daño cerebral,” Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, 2007.
Research activities
– “Young patients with spinal cord concussion syndrome.” 20th SERMEF Conference. Barcelona. 2001.
– “Multidisciplinary rehabilitation of a patient with herpes encephalitis. A case study.” 6th Trans-Pyrenees Conference on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Tarragona. 2001.
– “Heterotopic ossification in acquired brain injury.” 6th Trans-Pyrenees Conference on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Tarragona. 2001.
– “Outcomes of intensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation in patients with severe brain injury.” 2nd Conference of the Spanish Neurorehabilitation Society. Barcelona. 2002.
– “Outcomes of intensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation programmes in patients with severe brain injury.” 7th Trans-Pyrenees Conference on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Toulouse. 2003.
– “Posture assistance platform. Mobile phone and satellite navigation systems applied to brain-injured individuals.” 7th Trans-Pyrenees Conference on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Toulouse. 2003.
– “Outcome measurements of multidisciplinary rehabilitation in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.” 6th Conference of the Spanish Neurorehabilitation Society. Barcelona. 2006.
– “Neuromotor assessment of infants of diabetic mothers.” 15th Scientific Workshop of the Spanish Society of Children’s Rehabilitation. Madrid. 2010.
– “Intervention in infants with risk of neurologic impairment.” 7th Workshop of Recent Developments in Paediatrics. Puebla. April 2010.
Research projects
– INTELSAN project. Integrated healthcare e-systems. Officially approved by the PROFIT Programme. 2000-2003.
– PAP project. Postural assistance platform for users with acquired brain injury. Officially approved by the PROFIT Programme. 2004-2007.
– E-Orienta project. Assistance platform for the guidance of disabled people. INTEK Programme. 2004-2005.
– TAD project. Remotely controlled assistance to disabled people. PROFIT. 2004-2005.
– Telerehabilitation for patients with severe acquired neurological deficits. Guttmann Institute. Supported by the Catalan Agency for the Evaluation of Medical Research and Technology and the Carlos III Health Institute. 2006-2007.
– Garun project. Supported by the Basque Association of Agencies for Development and funded by the Provincial Government of Guipúzcoa. Knowledge sharing between doctors at the Brain Injury Service of the Aita Menni Hospital and engineers at the University of Mondragón aimed at planning joint action in the global field of neurological disease and acquired brain injury.
Work experience
Physician specialising in rehabilitation at the Brain Injury Service of the Aita Menni Hospital. Head of the Research and Development area. Head of the Children’s Rehabilitation Service. Clinical advisor at the Inpatient Unit of the Brain Injury Service. Consultant at the Outpatient Neurorehabilitation Units of the Service in Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastián. May 2001-present
Hobbies and interests
Reading, going to the movies, travelling to foreign countries, doing outdoor activities like hiking, mountaineering, or skiing.