Neuropsychologist at the Brain Injury Unit at the Beata María Ana Hospital
Working with patients who have suffered brain damage is enriching for different reasons. On the one hand, it enables me to put into practice those things that I have studied and for which I have prepared myself. Every patient becomes a small piece of research to find out what is failing, which strong points they maintain and how to organise a rehabilitation programme that enables the patient and their family to handle the new situation in which they find themselves.
Furthermore, it is important to continually learn about brain damage, and at the Brain Injury Unit it is possible to put different hypotheses to the test and progress different research projects. Both the contact with patients and their families, and the opportunities to carry out research make my work highly gratifying.
University education
• Graduated in Psychology (Faculty of Psychology. Complutense University of Madrid), 1993-1998
• Masters in Cognitive Neuropsychology (Complutense University of Madrid), 1999-2000
• Awarded PhD in Psychology by the Complutense University of Madrid, 2003. Doctoral thesis supervised by Juan Manuel Muñoz Céspedes, with the title: Immediate Care and Control following a Traumatic Brain Injury.
Research activity
Anatomical, functional and effective connectivity for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: Contribution of the diffusion tensor in a multidisciplinary approach. Department of Science and Innovation, 2009-2012.
Speed and phases of processing information in traumatic brain injuries: study using diffusion tensor imaging. Mapfre Foundation, 2009-2010.
Repercussions of cognitive rehabilitation in a case of acquired brain injury in neuro-imaging testing. La Caixa Foundation, 2008-2009.
Supervision plan for relatives of those suffering acquired brain injury: assessment of the impact on the level of the relative’s burden and on emotional/behavioural disorders of patients and their relatives. Mutua Madrileña Foundation, 2005-2008.
Diffusion tensor imaging and speed of processing: Study of white-matter in patients with traumatic brain injuries. Mapfre Medicine Foundation, 2006-2007.
Functional neuroimaging, cognitive processes and cerebral palsy. Inocente Foundation. 2005-2006.
Professional activity
• Lecturer in the Department of Basic Psychology II at the Spanish Distance Learning University (UNED)
• Researcher in the Neuroimaging group of the Alzheimer’s Centre at the CIEN Foundation – Reina Sofía Foundation (Madrid)
Published books and chapters
Periañez, J.A., Miranda García, R., and Ríos-Lago, M. (forthcoming title). The exploration of cognitive processes: methodology and techniques. Redolar Ripoll D. and Valero Cabré A. Cognitive Neuroscience. Ed. Panamericana. Madrid.
Tirapu J., García Molina A., Ríos Lago M. and Ardila A. (2011). Neuropsychology of the prefrontal cortex and executive functions. Editorial Viguera. Barcelona.
Roig T., Ríos-Lago M. and Paul N. (2011). Attention and concentration. O. Bruna, T. Roig, M. Puyuelo, C. Junqué, and A. Ruano. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Elsevier. Barcelona.
Tirapu J., García A., Ríos-Lago M. and Pelegrin Valero C. (2011) Executive Functions. O. Bruna, T. Roig, M. Puyuelo, C. Junqué, and A. Ruano. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Elsevier. Barcelona.
González B., Huidobro A., Pascual M. and Ríos-Lago M. (2010). Labour integration of people with acquired brain injury. B. Polonio and D. Romero: Occupational Therapy applied to ABI. Panamericana. Madrid.
Ríos Lago M. and Periañez Morales J.A. (2010). Attention and Speed of Information Processing. G. Koob, R. F. Thompson & M. Le Moal (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Behavioural Neuroscience. Elsevier. Boston.
Ríos-Lago M., Lubrini G. and Periañez J.A. (2009). Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. E. Muñoz Marrón (Ed). Cognitive stimulation and neuropsychological rehabilitation. Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Barcelona.
Lubrini G., Periañez J.A. and Ríos-Lago M. (2009). Stimulation of Attention. E. Muñoz Marrón (Ed). Cognitive stimulation and neuropsychological rehabilitation. Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Barcelona.
Ríos-Lago M., Pascual M. and De Noreña D. (2009). Family and Brain Injury. In Ríos-González J.A (coord.). Personality, human maturity and family context. CCS. Madrid.
Ríos M. and Sánchez Cubillo I. (2009). Neuro-anatomy of positive emotions. In G.Fernández-Abascal (coord.). Positive emotions. Pirámide. Madrid.
Paul N, Bilbao A. and Ríos M. (2008). Neuropsychological rehabilitation. In J. Tirapu-Ustárroz, M. Ríos-Lago, F. Maestú (Eds). Neuropsychology manual. Viguera Editores. Barcelona.
Ríos M., Benito-León J., Tirapu J. and Paul N. (2008). Neuropsychology of acquired brain injury. In J. Tirapu-Ustárroz, M. Ríos-Lago, F. Maestú (Eds). Neuropsychology manual. Viguera Editores. Barcelona.
Ríos M., Periañez J.A. and Rodriguez J.M. (2008). Neuropsychology of attention. In J. Tirapu-Ustárroz, M. Ríos-Lago, F. Maestú (Eds). Neuropsychology manual. Viguera Editores. Barcelona.
Tirapu J., Ríos M., Maestú F. and González Marqués J. (2008). Historical view and concept of Neuropsychology. In J. Tirapu-Ustárroz, M. Ríos-Lago, F. Maestú (Eds). Neuropsychology manual. Viguera Editores. Barcelona.
Tirapu J., Ríos M. and Maestú F. (2008). Neuropsychology manual. In J. Tirapu-Ustárroz, M. Ríos-Lago, F. Maestú (Eds). Neuropsychology manual. Viguera Editores. Barcelona.
Maestú, F., Ríos, M. and Cabestrero, R. (2007). Neuroimaging: Tecniques and Cognitive Processes. Barcelona. Elsevier-Masson.
Álvarez-Linera, J., Ríos, M., Hernández J.A., Bargalló, N. and Calvo Merino, B. (2007). Magnetic Resonance I: Functional MRI. In F Maestú, M. Ríos and R. Cabestrero. Neuroimaging: Tecniques and Cognitive Processes. Barcelona. Elsevier-Masson.
Periañez J.A., Ríos M., Barceló F., Madrid E. and Ruz M. (2007). Neuroimaging and attention. In F. Maestú, M. Ríos and R. Cabestrero. Neuroimaging: Tecniques and Cognitive Processes. Barcelona. Elsevier-Masson.
Muñoz Céspedes J.M., Ríos M. and Paul N. (2007). Neuroimaging, plasticity and recovery of cognitive processes. In F. Maestú, M. Ríos and R. Cabestrero. Neuroimaging: Tecniques and Cognitive processes. Barcelona. Elsevier-Masson.
Ríos, M. (2006). Research considerations in the clinical context: Attention and Speed of processing. In VA. Progress in Clinical Neuropsychology. Madrid. Editorial MAPFRE.
Ríos, M. and Muñoz Céspedes, J.M. (2004). Immediate attention and control following a traumatic brain injury. Madrid. Ed. Mapfre.
Journal articles
Fernández A., Ríos-Lago M., Abásolo D., Hornero R., Alvarez-Linera J., Paul N., Maestú F. and Ortiz T. The correlation between white-matter microstructure and the complexity of spontaneous brain activity: a diffusion tensor imaging-MEG study. Neuroimage. 57 (4): 1300 -1307, 2011.
De Noreña D., Ríos-Lago M., Bombín I., Sánchez-Cubillo I., García-Molina A. and Tirapu-Ustarroz J. Effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation on acquired brain injury (I): Attention, Speed of processing, Memory and Language. Neurology Journal. 51(11): 687-698.
De Noreña D., Sánchez-Cubillo I., García-Molina A., Tirapu-Ustarroz J., Bombín I. and Ríos-Lago M. Effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation on acquired brain injury (II): Executive Functions, Modification of conduct and psychotherapy, and use of new technologies. Neurology Journal. 51 (12): 733-744.
Carretié L., Ríos-Lago M., Tapia M., de la Gándara B., Albert J., López-Martín S. and Álvarez-Linera J. (2009). The striatum beyond reward: caudate responds intensely to unpleasant pictures. Neuroscience. 164: 1615-1622.
Sánchez I., Periañez J.A., Adrover D., Rodríguez-Sánchez J.M., Ríos-Lago M., Tirapu J. and Barceló F. (2009). Construct validity of the Trail Making Test: role of task-switching, working memory, inhibition/interference control and visuomotor abilities. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (JINS). 15: 438-450.
Solana A.B., Maestu C., Bajo R., Ríos-Lago M., Álvarez-Linera J., Serratosa J.M., Marinas A., Giráldez B.G. and Del Pozo F. (2009). Dependency of the duration of the paroxistic activity in the analysis of the localization in epilepsy disease, using a simultaneous combination of EEG-fMRI. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism. 11: 123-129.
Ríos Lago M. (2008). Neuropsychology and functional magnetic resonance: general concepts. Radiology. 50: 351-365.
Ríos-Lago, M., Alonso, R., Periañez, J. A., Paul, N., Oliva, P., and Álvarez-Linera, J. (2007). Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Speed of Processing: Study of White-matter in patients with traumatic brain injury. Trauma. 19: 102-112.
González B., Paul N, Blázquez J.L. and Ríos M. (2007). Factors related to the lack of awareness of deficit in brain injury. Psychological Action. 3(4): 54-62
De Noreña, D. and Ríos M. (2007). The role of the neuropsychologist. Psychological Action. 3: 5-10.
Ríos M. (2007). Neuropsychology: working with other professionals. Psychological Action. 3: 1-4.
Álvarez-Linera J., Ríos-Lago M., Martín H., Hernández J.A., Escribano J. and Sánchez del Río M. (2007). Functional Magnetic Resonance of the visual cortex: Study of relationships between the intensity of the stimulus and the BOLD response. Neurology Journal. 45: 147-151.
Perianez J.A., Ríos-Lago M., Adrover-Roig D., Rodríguez-Sánchez J.M., Sanchez I., Crespo-Facorro B., Quemada J.I. and Barcelo F. (2007). Trail Making Test in traumatic brain injury, schizophrenia, and normal ageing: Sample comparisons and normative data. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 22: 433-447.
Ríos, M., Muñoz Céspedes, J.M. and Paúl N. (2007). Attention disorders following traumatic brain injury: assessment and rehabilitation. Neurology Journal. 44: 153-158.
Muñoz Céspedes, J.M., Ríos, M., Paúl, N., Maestú, F. and Álvarez-Linera, J. (2005). Functional neuroimaging studies of cognitive recovery alter acquired brain injury in adults. Neuropsychology Review. 15: 169-183.
Ríos, M., Paúl, N., Muñoz Céspedes, J.M., Maestú, F., Álvarez Linera, J. and Ortiz, T. (2004). Application of functional neuroimaging to the study of neuropsychological rehabilitation. Neurology Journal. 38: 366-373.
Ríos, M., Periañez, J.A. and Muñoz Céspedes, J.M. (2004). Attentional control and slowness of information processing alter severe traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 18: 257-272.
Fernández, A., Ríos, M., Segovia, J.C., Fernández, S., Legido, J., Maestú, F., Paúl, N., Muñoz-Céspedes, J.M., Amo, C., Campo, P., Capilla, A. and Ortiz, T. (2003). Contributions of Magnetoencephalography to the assessment of traumatic brain injury. Occupational Medicine and Safety Journal. 193: 23-32.
Muñoz Céspedes, J.M., Ríos, M., Ruano, A. and Moreno, F. (1999). Emotional disorders and the labour integration of people with traumatic brain injury. Polibea. 50: 10-16.
Muñoz Céspedes, J.M., Ríos, M., Ruano, A. and Moreno, F. (1998). Cognitive deficit and labour integration of people with traumatic brain injury. Polibea. 48: 38-43.
Contributions at conferences and meetings (only as first author)
Models of Care in Acquired Brain Injury. Second Conference on Acquired Brain Injury. Seville, 2011.
Applications of functional MRI and tractography in Neuro-ophthalmology. National Neuro-ophthalmology Conference. Madrid, 2011.
Applications of imaging techniques in acquired brain injury. Third Conference of the Spanish Federation of Neuropsychology. Oviedo, 2010.
Brain plasticity: Rational basis for cognitive rehabilitation. LXIth Annual Meeting of the Spanish Neurology Society (SEN). Behavioural Neurology and Dementia Group. Barcelona, 2009.
Attention Rehabilitation. VIIth Conference of the Spanish Neurorehabilitation Society/Spanish Neurology Society. Barcelona, 2008.
Attention Rehabilitation. Prefrontal Cortex: from research to intervention. Bilbao, 2007.
Attention and Processing Speed. First International Conference on Clinical Neuropsychology. Madrid, 2006.
Neuropsychology and functional neuroimaging of traumatic brain injury. Imaging the mind. Palma de Mallorca, 2005.
What can functional neuroimaging contribute to the study of neuropsychological rehabilitation of brain injury? Third Neurorehabilitation Conference. Spanish Neurorehabilitation Society. Madrid, 2004.
Other relevant information
Member of the International Neuropsychological Society (INS), Madrid Neuropsychology Society and FANPSE; Spanish Association for the research and development of Family Therapy (AEI+DTF); and Spanish Neurorehabilitation Society (SENR).
I devote my free time to enjoying my family and friends. I like films, music and reading. Furthermore, I have always spent time playing sport, but recently I have not done so much. In any case, I organise myself to ensure that I do not miss my weekly judo class.